As part of a school holiday programme, a group of 40 students from Compassvale Secondary School participated in the L.E.A.D With Nature – Uncovering Sustainability half day programme that took place on 5 September 2022. The programme was specially designed to bring students through the sustainability learning journey that spanned SEED@SIP in along the Punggol Promenade and the Lorong Halus Wetlands, as part of SIP Academy’s efforts to raise greater awareness around sustainability issues, Singapore’s Green Plan and the UN sustainable development goals.
With the support of Compassvale Secondary School teachers, we brought the students along a journey peppered with hands on activities to:
Envision how sustainability could be enhanced in a city state like Singapore;
Discovering by connecting with nature through mindfulness; and
Concluded with an adventure race to Uncover sustainability practices that Singapore has implemented in our midst to rejuvenate and recover our biodiversity and natural environment.
The facilitators were impressed by the students’ creativity as they came up with many innovative ideas to make Singapore more green and sustainable, from harnessing energy from lightning conductors and much more. The mindfulness station had encouraged students to connect with nature and their senses to unpack the importance of conservation and sustainability while putting into practice the concepts of awareness, attentiveness and acceptance in focusing on their senses.
Through the sustainability challenge, many came to know that Lorong Halus Wetlands was in fact, a dumping ground prior to its transformation and restoration in Singapore’s earlier years, and yet has become part of a park to demonstrate natural means to treat contaminated water that passes through a landfill.
If you’d like to learn more about SIP’s latest projects, SIP Academy’s mindfulness based courses and learning journeys, drop us a note at